I believe we should discuss what might be a copyright infringement
issue with the two normal cdf algorithms.

NormalCDFPreciseAlgorithm cites a couple sources for its
1. R which is protected by GPL
2. TOMS 715 which is protected by ACM's CALGO license,

NormalCDFFastAlgorithm cites Applied Statistics as its source.  AS is
copyrighted by The Royal Statistical Society and the only thing I
could find about its licensing is a little blurb at
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/apstat/ stating "The Royal Statistical Society
holds the copyright to these routines, but has given its permission
for their distribution provided that no fee is charged."

I ask that everyone concerned to familiarize themselves with these two
implementations and citations.  Then, we should decide on a course of
action regarding these two classes.  Prior to that, some more
investigation might be necessary for the RSS license terms as the
above quoted, statement is a little open ended.

Brent Worden

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