Martin Cooper wrote:
I'm not going to -1 this, because it seems clear that there is support for
it, but frankly I just don't understand the mentality that says it's a good
thing to *not* share components that were designed from the get-go to be
shared. Bizarre.

I agree with you.  I think that a primary motivation behind these types of
efforts is a similar complaint from users:
"you commons guys just produce too many jars".

If Maven had a clever way of automatically picking up runtime dependencies, then
I don't think this would be so much of a problem. In general I think people are sick
of, for example, wanting to check out [digester], but then getting a NoClassDef and
needing to grab [beanutils], then [collections], then [logging], etc.

One part of me wants to disregard this philosophy as a guise for laziness and
misplaced focus (due to obsessing over jar file sizes instead of solving what I
consider to be 'real' problems). But, people do seem to care about this -- I'm
just still struggling to understand why.

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