Hierarchical configurations would provide such a hierarchical context mentioned in this thread. But wouldn't there be ambiguities?

Imagine you have a configuration containing the properties foo=something and foo.bar=something_different. If you now want to access ${sessionScope.configAttribute.foo} and ${sessionScope.configAttribute.foo.bar}, how could an implementation know whether foo means a context or a property value?


Emmanuel Bourg schrieb:

Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Hmm, I'm not sure your getting me, I'm refering to making the Configuration interface a proper Map via an extension of the Collection API's Map Interface and requiring all implementations to support that interface (Which could be facilitated through Abstraction/Polymorphism) with little impact to the existing usage.

I have been supporting the idea of basing the Configuration interface on java.util.Map for quite some time, that's why I filed Bug 26102 to start the convergence of the 2 interfaces but there was no urgent need to implement the Map interface. This EL use case is an interesting argument to push toward this change, but I'm not sure it will work well once we address the issue of hierarchical configurations.

Emmanuel Bourg

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Dipl.-Inform. Oliver Heger
Zentrale Informationsverarbeitung (ZIV) / Bereich Anwenderverfahren
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