Date: 2004-05-20T13:01:19
   Editor: RobertBurrellDonkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Commons Wiki
   Page: ValidatorSetup

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 This is a basic 1,2,3 guide that anyone can expand upon when they have something 
useful to add:\
-* get commons-validator.jar - go to [ jakarta] to download 
the latest version.
+ * get commons-validator.jar - go to [ jakarta] to download 
the latest version.
-* put it in your classpath - this is normally WEB-INF/lib/ along with the other jars 
such as struts.jar
+ * put it in your classpath - this is normally WEB-INF/lib/ along with the other jars 
such as struts.jar
-* create action forms to be validated - based on ValidatorForm, or just use 
DynaActionForms and don't worry about coding classes for them - all that's needed is 
the form config in struts-config.xml (see below)
+ * create action forms to be validated - based on ValidatorForm, or just use 
DynaActionForms and don't worry about coding classes for them - all that's needed is 
the form config in struts-config.xml (see below)
-* edit your struts-config.xml:
+ * edit your struts-config.xml:
-** put the validator plug-in xml into the plug-ins section:
+ ** put the validator plug-in xml into the plug-ins section:
         <!-- sets up Validator -->
         <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
-** create the form configuration in struts-config.xml for the form-names, e.g. for 
+ ** create the form configuration in struts-config.xml for the form-names, e.g. for 
         <form-bean name="sectionForm"
-** or for DynaValidatorForms (we have to specify the fields we want here - and it's 
best to stick to Strings rather than trying to deal with Integers or Dates etc which 
do not get populated if the user enters the wrong type of data):
+ ** or for DynaValidatorForms (we have to specify the fields we want here - and it's 
best to stick to Strings rather than trying to deal with Integers or Dates etc which 
do not get populated if the user enters the wrong type of data):
         <form-bean name="sectionForm"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-** configure the action mapping e.g.:
+ ** configure the action mapping e.g.:
         <action path="/private/esurvey/survey/update"
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
-*** set validate=true 
-*** set input=/my/path  so that struts can send the request somewhere on 
validation-failure - this can be another action path like the example above, or a 
tiles definition (normally beginning with '.'), or any other page in your app.
-*** add form-name as 'name' attribute
-*** set the scope to request, or if you want to make use of 'work-flow' or 'wizard' 
techniques or other patterns that allow you to accumulate data over several HTTP 
requests, put 'session' instead.
+ *** set validate=true 
+ *** set input=/my/path  so that struts can send the request somewhere on 
validation-failure - this can be another action path like the example above, or a 
tiles definition (normally beginning with '.'), or any other page in your app.
+ *** add form-name as 'name' attribute
+ *** set the scope to request, or if you want to make use of 'work-flow' or 'wizard' 
techniques or other patterns that allow you to accumulate data over several HTTP 
requests, put 'session' instead.
-* create validation.xml config file in WEB-INF - using the same form names as in 
struts-config.xml e.g.:
+ * create validation.xml config file in WEB-INF - using the same form names as in 
struts-config.xml e.g.:
@@ -79,27 +79,27 @@
-* This validation.xml snippet is up-to-date as of validator-1.1, but changes are in 
the pipeline for localization, resource bundles etc and some xml attributes may be 
+ * This validation.xml snippet is up-to-date as of validator-1.1, but changes are in 
the pipeline for localization, resource bundles etc and some xml attributes may be 
-* get validator-rules.xml from the struts installation, in the conf/share/ directory 
and put it in WEB-INF
+ * get validator-rules.xml from the struts installation, in the conf/share/ directory 
and put it in WEB-INF
-* and now on to the JSPs. First of all, none of the tags will work unless you have 
their taglib declaration at the top of your page so:
+ * and now on to the JSPs. First of all, none of the tags will work unless you have 
their taglib declaration at the top of your page so:
       <%@ taglib prefix="html" uri=""; %>
-* use html:form in the JSPs whose forms will be validated, e.g.:
+ * use html:form in the JSPs whose forms will be validated, e.g.:
       <html:form action="/private/esurvey/survey/update"
-* to enable client-side validation:
-** make sure you include the onsubmit attribute with the html:form tag 
+ * to enable client-side validation:
+ ** make sure you include the onsubmit attribute with the html:form tag 
           <html:form action="/private/esurvey/survey/update" >
             onsubmit="return validateForm(this);">
-** include in the JSP the html:javascript tag with the same form-name as above and 
+ ** include in the JSP the html:javascript tag with the same form-name as above and 
           <html:javascript formName="surveyForm" 
@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@
             cdata="false" />
-** the 'method' should be the same as what you specified for the html:form onsubmit 
+ ** the 'method' should be the same as what you specified for the html:form onsubmit 
-* you could set static=true there as well, but it is more efficient to create an 
extra page with just that taglib in it, set to produce only static javascript (needs 
no form-name then) - and refer to it from your JSP using <script> tags. This way, the 
browser will cache it and reduce traffic.
+ * you could set static=true there as well, but it is more efficient to create an 
extra page with just that taglib in it, set to produce only static javascript (needs 
no form-name then) - and refer to it from your JSP using <script> tags. This way, the 
browser will cache it and reduce traffic.
       <script src="<html:rewrite page="/"/>" 
-* use the messages or the errors tag to display the validation errors (this has got 
JSTL tags too) (PS is the errors tag still in use?)
+ * use the messages or the errors tag to display the validation errors (this has got 
JSTL tags too) (PS is the errors tag still in use?)
       <html:messages id="validatorMsgs" 
@@ -130,19 +130,19 @@
 And finally, this is how struts actually deals with it all on submission of a form:
-1: It goes and checks for any instances of the form-bean in the scope (the name of 
the class, type, and scope is specified by the action mapping in struts-config.xml).
+ 1. It goes and checks for any instances of the form-bean in the scope (the name of 
the class, type, and scope is specified by the action mapping in struts-config.xml).
-2: If found then call the form's reset method
+ 1. If found then call the form's reset method
-3: If not found than a new instance is created and stored in the proper scope.
+ 1. If not found than a new instance is created and stored in the proper scope.
-4: Then the formBean is populated with request parameters by struts
+ 1. Then the formBean is populated with request parameters by struts
-5: If the validate is true than the form's validate() method is called. There's no 
need to call it explicitly and because of ValidatorForm doing all the validation 
automatically, all that is required for code is a call in your form's submit() method 
to super.validate(). If you are using DynaValidatorForm, then you will not have 
program any form beans at all.
+ 1. If the validate is true than the form's validate() method is called. There's no 
need to call it explicitly and because of ValidatorForm doing all the validation 
automatically, all that is required for code is a call in your form's submit() method 
to super.validate(). If you are using DynaValidatorForm, then you will not have 
program any form beans at all.
+ a. if validate() returns any errors, then struts forwards the request to the URL 
specified in the input attribute of the action mapping.
-6a: if validate() returns any errors, then struts forwards the request to the URL 
specified in the input attribute of the action mapping.
-6b: otherwise it checks for the action which the action mapping is based on.
+ a. otherwise it checks for the action which the action mapping is based on.
 Then after that you have a populated form. Normally you would then transfer the data 
into a value or data-transfer object to pass to your business layer (see 

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