(3) is of course the way to go.

But do you think there is enough "community" support for it?
A couple of more names on the team list would be nice:
I'm only asking this because I don't see a lot of mail activity on the lists.

Promoting/releasing a component is easy (I can help if needed)
but supporting it...

-- Dirk

Leo Sutic wrote:


I have received emails to the effect that releasing Attributes as-is
would be a good idea. People need an official release to distribute
and to use in their own releases.

The documentation isn't perfect - I'm lacking a Maven demo to
complement the Ant demo, but I don't think that the docs are bad
enough to warrant holding up the release.

Since Attributes is in the sandbox right now, it has to be promoted.
And this is a problem. See, I'm not a commons committer. So promoting
the project would mean that its chief developer (me) suddenly can't
commit code to it. This is not an acceptable state.

So, the way I see it - these are the ways forward:

 1. Attributes stay in sandbox, unreleased.
 2. Attributes stay in sandbox, but we release it.
 3. Attributes move to commons proper, we release it, and I get
committer status.

Of these, (3) is the most preferred one, followed by (2) and (1).

Commons Committers, what do you say?


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