--- robert burrell donkin
> On 21 Jun 2004, at 09:45, Konstantin Priblouda
> wrote:
> >> the wiki might be good for this purpose (since
> it's
> >> easier to post code
> >> up than by attachment to an email).
> >
> > your place or our place?
> we need more content so 
> :)

OK, will check it.

> it can be easily moved somewhere else later.
> i've create the basic page but please everyone just
> dive in with ideas 
> (and please correct anything i've got wrong).
> (another reason is that we might just be able to
> coral some more 
> volunteers into joining the effort.)
> >> this would mean that there'd be no reason why we
> >> couldn't have
> >> implementations for both versions (provided that
> >> there are developers
> >> keen to write them).
> >
> > It's OK to have 2 versions. From my point of view,
> I
> > stopped to use xdoclet-1.2 adn moved everything to
> 2.0
> > ( but EJB people would have hard time, as nobody
> from
> > xdoclet 2 plugin developers uses EJB anymore )
> > so there are oeople whoi is going to stay with 1.2
> for
> > a while...
> >
> > I think ( for xdoclet 2 )  betwixt plugin shall be
> > located in xdoclet repository , because of
> dependency
> > to qtags plugin.
> fair enough. we'd probably want to put a link on our
> website. what's 
> your preferred mailing list? (just in case people
> get round to feeding 
> patches for extra mappings through.)

xdoclet-plugins live under:
( mailing lists are listed there, and I'm listening on
them ) 

Patches / bugs / etc are better placed in JIRA:


( due to mailing list volatitlity )

And as xdoclet-2 is gainig pace, my outstanding
patches asre now in generama repository and
dependencies are 
stabilized now, I think xdoclet-plugins shall compile
without any problem

( ok, you may still need to get ejb-2.1.jar somewhere
as it is not on ibiblio - but since betwixt plugin is
not going to depend on ejb stuff, it
shall be no problem ) 


----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen
Softwareentwickler[In] für die Festanstellung. 
Arbeitsort: Mainz 
Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
----[ http://www.pribluda.de ]------------------------

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