On 23-Jun-04, at 15:03 Uhr, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
'maven site' run on your local machine will first generate the site locally, then tar it up, scp it to minotaur and untar it into your sites directory. It has two stages 'site-generate' and 'site-deploy'.

it is wise to run first 'site-generate' and look at the local copy generated to verify it was built correctly, then run 'site-deploy' to do the copying over to the actual site.

One thing that bothers me in this system is the steps of site-upload, doing tar, scp, untar on the server...

The big drawback is that this never cares about removing the previous versions... and that means that some pages may stay there unattended and some people might have or distribute URLs to it...
I do all my uploads with rsync over ssh (which is also more economic in disk-space and bandwidth). Using the --delete option is exactly what you want: it deletes the files that are not in the source. Something which you only do when you trust your upload, of course.

This completely replaces site-upload (and we should have a maven plugin or ant task for rsync).


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