OK, so "maven site" will actually upload the site to the server?

Specifically (all from jakarta-commons/commons-build):

 1. run "maven site:generate" and confirm the local copy looks OK
 2. run "maven site" which will both generate and deploy the site

Is that right?

Do we want "commons-site-generate" and "commons-site-deploy" instead?

Will this publish the sandbox as well, or do I do that independently?

- Rod

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

The strategy is to use the "maven site" goal in the /jakarta-commons/commons-build project to build an deploy a new copy of the site. Usually it is wise to run 'site:generate' first and verify the local copy was built properly.


Rodney Waldhoff wrote:

Is there documentation somewhere for the currently recommended process of updating the commons site?

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