On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Rodney Waldhoff wrote:

OK, so "maven site" will actually upload the site to the server?

Specifically (all from jakarta-commons/commons-build):

 1. run "maven site:generate" and confirm the local copy looks OK
 2. run "maven site" which will both generate and deploy the site

Is that right?

Pretty much. It would probibly be wise to instert a "backup step" before deploying just for easy recovery if anything goes wrong. while this could be automated, it may be wiser for the person to physically backup the /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons directory by hand into a temporary tar file, so they know they are properly backed up before going forward. Its important to note that all the project sites are subdirectories of /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons, I sometimes wish this were not the case and that the toplevel could be updated without any risk to the contents of those subdirectories, which would be the case if they existed within separate dorectories from the top level site.

 Do we want "commons-site-generate" and "commons-site-deploy" instead?

I'd rather stick to the defaults as much as possible instead of customizing the goal name being called, there is still room to customize in maven.xml via overloading, pre-goal and post-goal tags.

You misunderstand me.

There already exists commons-site-generate and commons-site-deploy in commons-build/maven.xml. Do we use those? What are they for?

Will this publish the sandbox as well, or do I do that independently?

No, there is a separate sandbox-build projects for the sandbox at this time.

Just for clarification, this only rebuilds the top level site, its upto each project to keep their site uptodate by running 'maven site' in thier project directory.

So if I want to update commons-foo's site, I repeat the process above, but from jakarta-commons/commons-foo instead, correct? Doesn't the maven-reactor stuff carry this through from the root on down?


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