There are a couple of open issues regarding XMLConfiguration. ATM this class maintains a flat representation of a XML file based on a map and also a DOM with the hierarchical structure. When properties are added or removed the DOM is also updated. It seems that these update operations do not always work as they should.

It is surely possible to fix this and there are already some patches addressing some of those issues, but I ask myself do we need a flat representation of XML configuration files at all? HierarchicalXMLConfiguration already has the functionality of storing XML files in a hierarchical manner, so no structure is lost. The patches for XMLConfiguration implement functionality that HierarchicalXMLConfiguration already has. As it comes out XMLConfiguration will become a kind of HierarchicalXMLConfiguration (using DOM to store hierarchical structure) with an additional map for accessing properties.

How about removing XMLConfiguration and renaming HierarchicalXMLConfiguration to XMLConfiguration? This class still needs load() and save() methods to be compatible with the other configuration classes, but then it fully supports working with XML files.

Just a suggetion.

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