So that means that it would be easy, with this instance-based set of converters, to write a converter:
- attached to a mapping type (attribute-value to class xxx)
- attached to a named attribute
(note, attribute values are not always strings!
they're jexl results)

For example, the FontTag could attach the default style-constants to the style name or the border-layout the constraints constants. Still allowing some cross-usage (I think there are some constants)...

The wish to make it declarative: building such converter for text to int is easily done in, say, an xml-snippet. Using this, documentation can be written and that's important (that may even be more usable that javadoc for this!).

Agreeing ?


Le 12 sept. 04, à 18:14, robert burrell donkin a écrit :

the basic changes is that now instances are used to back the main methods. the static methods now select a psuedo-singleton instance (one per context classloader) and use that to execute. it is now possible to use separate, distinct instances and bypass the static methods completely.

i strongly suspect that the way that jelly uses beanutils may have big problems if used in any multi-threaded environment (not just swing). the simplest way to fix this issue would be for jelly to replace calls to the static methods with calls to a concrete instance. however, i'm not really sure that this would be the best general approach (though it may prove a useful default). i'll pick up this theme up on list.

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