On Friday 17 September 2004 1:01 pm, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to this list, but I've been a happy user of commons-vfs for several
> months, now.  It's saved me tons of work, but now I'm running up against
> what I think are its limits.  I'm looking for advice on how to get around a
> problem.
> I am is using commons-vfs to retrieve files from various sites.  In
> particular, I'm now trying to get files from a server which is not
> supported in the standard collection of FTPFileEntryParsers.
> There are several obstacles for me to do this--some are of my own making
> and others are in the commons code.  I'll try to separate them out.
> The main problem is that even though the server presents non-standard file
> lists, it claims to be of system type "unix".  This means that commons-net
> will attempt to  parse it like a unix server, and that doesn't work on this
> output.
> I could define my own FtpFileEntryParser and register it with
> DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory, but there doesn't seem to be a way to
> register new parsers--it appears to be hard coded into
> createFileEntryParser in DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory.  Even worse,
> that wouldn't work cause I can't distinguish this server from a unix
> server.
> Another option is to explicitly pass the FQCN for my new parser into
> DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory, but there I'm stymied because, AFAICT,
> there is no way to pass the FQCN through the vfs layer to the net layer.
> I keep hoping that I'm just missing something in the API that lets me tell
> VFS what I really want to do at the net layer.  I need to be able to set
> the FQCN for the FTPFileEntryParser to use on a given connection.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for how to proceed?  I'm not opposed to
> changing the vfs or net code if you think the changes would be accepted
> back into CVS.
> Thanks,
> Michael Hirsch

You are missing something in the API.
Here is the source for 

Note that the first thing it tries to do is resolve the key parameter as a 
fully qualified class name of a class derived from FTPFileEntryParser.  Only 
when that fails, does the behavior of parsing key as a SYST return value kick 

    public FTPFileEntryParser createFileEntryParser(String key)
        Class parserClass = null;
            parserClass = Class.forName(key);
            return (FTPFileEntryParser) parserClass.newInstance();
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            String ukey = null;
            if (null != key)
                ukey = key.toUpperCase();
            if (ukey.indexOf("UNIX") >= 0)
                return createUnixFTPEntryParser();
            else if (ukey.indexOf("VMS") >= 0)
                return createVMSVersioningFTPEntryParser();

So how would you use this to create and use your own parser?
The easiest way is to call     
FTPClient.listFiles(String parserKey, String pathname) passing in the fully 
qualified name of your class as the first parameter.

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