I'm currently working with a CVS build from late August (I built on the 25th, it may have been a day or two old CVS at that point though). I'll definitely check out the latest and see if that takes care of the cache problem. If not, I'll get it into bugzilla.

I do understand about the native code issue. There are simply a limited number of ways to do certain things though. And I believe even in the to do list where this is mentioned it specifies that in any case, the native code should be completely optional. I could also do a fall back to other methods if the native code isn't present - like command lines tools for example. If I can get something working, that would probably be the best time to check and see what the community thinks...say, before it is committed.

Mario Ivankovits wrote:

Andy Lewis schrieb:

I ran into a problem for example with the cache not picking up new files on an FTP site, so I needed to manually force the cache to clear (I use reflection with setAccessible to get it done instead of using a modified build though).

Do you use the CVS version or one of the nightlies?
It should be possible to clear the cache (in case of ftp) by simply call close() on the parent.

I can also see value in additional providers - both those on the list and maybe some that are not. Again, my time constraints tend to align with my current needs , but as an example I have an upcoming need for the ability to modify unix file permissions from Java (appears it will require native interaction), and noticed this is something on the list of desired eventual features.

This is on the todo list - this list where created by the original maintainers. But I have to warn you ;-) I would like to poll the community what they do think about native code in jakarta projects.

In terms of immeidate contributions, I'd love to get a patch in to make it easier to avoid the cache problems, and I'm willing to take a look at anything (bug ot feature) that is deemed highest priority.

The right way to send the path it to open a bugzilla tiket at http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Commons
I will be happy to pick it up. Please prefix your subject with [vfs]

The effort I'll be able to spend on it wil;l, like nearly everyone I'm sure, fluctuate, but it is a cool project, I use it, and I'm interested in helping it move forward....

Thats the way we work. Every help is welcome.


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