On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 08:21, Martin van den Bemt wrote:

> Maybe this has a better home at velocity ?

Maybe, but this does seem like common practice with the email.  

But lets talk about this for a second.  (and revisit - the plug-in
adapter idea that I gracefully spoke up against earlier).  

For my project, I developed an alternative way to use email in the
Spring Framework.  I don't terribly care for the approach taken by the
Spring Framework (discussed in this blog entry -

In fact, I prefer the commons-email component.  I believe it has a
straight forward, OO design for creating and sending mail in Java.  

To centralize my SMTP configuration, and utilize Spring IOC, I created a
Factory for generating Email objects.    This is very basic, but offers
a clean way to both integrate commons-email into IOC containers, and
provide TemplateEmail apdapters.  The factory interface looks something

public interface EmailFactory
    public TemplateEmail createEmail();
    // other convenience methods such as the following
    public TemplateEmail createEmail(Collection toList, Collection

    public void setHost(String host)
    public void setPort(int port)
    public void setUsername(String username);
    public void setPassword(String username);

    public void setFromEmail(String fromEmail);
    public void setFromName(String fromName);
Then in my Spring config file.  I have the following.

<bean id="beanThatSendsEmail" class="some.bean.that.sends.Email">
        <constructor-arg><ref local="emailFactory"/></constructor-arg>
<bean id="emailFactory" class="net.mstanley.email.VelocityEmailFactory">
                <constructor-arg><ref local="velocityEngine"/></constructor-arg>
  <property name="host">localhost</property>
  <property name="fromEmail">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</property>

<bean id="velocityEngine"
  <property name="velocityProperties">
                                  <prop key="resource.loader">class</prop>
                                  <prop key="class.resource.loader.class">

My client code simply becomes:

TemplateEmail email = emailFactory.createEmail(toList, ccList);
email.setSubject("Some meaningful subject");

I'll send the interface, abstract implementation, and Velocity
implementation of TemplateEmail and email factory.  

With this approach VelocityEmailFactory and VelocityEmail can become
"template mail adapters".  These adapters can be additional modules.


- Mike

> Mvgr,
> Martin
> On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 01:58, Joe Germuska wrote:
> > At 12:54 PM -0700 9/30/04, Martin Cooper wrote:
> > >  > Hmmm..  Personally, I don't think putting it in a different package is
> > >>  overkill.  Adding velocity requires the addition of Velocity.jar to
> > >>  build, but not to run (unless of course, you use the class ;-).
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