On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 15:47, Mario Ivankovits wrote:

> Mike Stanley wrote:
> >Thought about the Hash approach too.  That won't suffice.
> >
> Havent looked at [event] now, but the first thing about how to handle 
> results which comes into my mind was a ResultHandler - what if you just 
> provide a way to set a ResultHandler - a interface with a method like 
> ResultHandler.eventProcessed(methodname, returnCode)

Similar to what I was thinking with the StopCondition (ProcessHandler or
something may be a better name).  

> maybe eventProcessed could have a return value e.g. a boolean where you 
> could "return false" if you would like to stop any further propagation - 
> or throw an exception which might rollup too
> That way one could collect the result in an List, Map or whatever

I was thinking the best thing to do would be to collect the results in a
specialized container.  But the same idea.

- Mike

> ---
> Mario

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