On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 18:55:08 -0400, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hadn't realised we were this close to a 1.1, but I'm +1 for a release.

If you don't think we're ready, or there's more that you'd like to do
/ see done prior to a 1.1, then by all means speak up. ;-) I'm not in
that much of a hurry that we should rush it out.

(My personal itch for this is that FileUpload now has a dependency on
a recent nightly build of IO, and I'd like to do a 1.1 of FileUpload
reasonably soon, but I'm not in a big rush. I'd rather do things

> I just moved WildcardUtils up a directory as it's used by two
> different subpackages of IO.

Saw that.

> There are a couple of options on the finder code which are not
> implemented yet (time ones I think).

I guess it might be better to finish that up than release it not fully
baked. ;-)

> Is there any reason for the IOTestSuite class? It doesn't seem
> necessary with Maven and seems unlikely to be needed by the generated
> Maven build.xml (which we need to make sure we redo).

Hmm, probably not. I'll make sure first, and then take it out assuming
all is OK.

I've been regenerating the Ant build file as I've been making changes
to the Maven one, so we're actually in good shape on that at the

I just noticed a couple of items on the IO wiki page:


Can you (or someone else) elaborate on what it means to get
FilenameUtils and ClassLoaderObjectInputStream "release ready"? It's a
bit vague... ;-)

Martin Cooper

> Hen
> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 20:15:41 -0700, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There have been a lot of changes since IO 1.0 was released, and I'm
> > thinking we're in pretty good shape for a 1.1 release in the near
> > future.
> >
> > I've worked through the bug reports, and got us down to four
> > outstanding change requests, as follows:
> >
> > Bugs:
> > #29140 - NPE in FileUtils.listFiles(dir, extensions, recursive)
> > #30974 - problem with copyFileToDirectory(File, File)
> >
> > Enhancements:
> > #28977 - [io] ProxyOutputStream: no need to define proxy
> > #30667 - [io] new throttled input and output stream classes
> >
> > With respect to the bugs, I have been unable to reproduce #29140 and
> > have requested a test case to nail it down. I suspect #30974 is the
> > infamous timing issue that I'm not clear that there's a good solution
> > for, unfortunately.
> >
> > With respect to the enhancements, they're not my particular itches,
> > and I'd be more comfortable with someone else reviewing them (or
> > flagging them for later). However, I'm willing to apply the changes
> > for #30667 if I get a green light from another IO committer who's
> > reviewed them.
> >
> > So what do folks think? I'm willing to act as RM, unless someone else
> > feels like rolling the release.
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cooper
> > 
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