On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:33:51 -0700, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 18:55:08 -0400, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hadn't realised we were this close to a 1.1, but I'm +1 for a release.
> If you don't think we're ready, or there's more that you'd like to do
> / see done prior to a 1.1, then by all means speak up. ;-) I'm not in
> that much of a hurry that we should rush it out.

I'm a little tied up with a newborn at the moment, and IO 1.1 is
behind Lang 2.1 on my target list. Neither are being driven by itches,
apart from a general itch to get the Finder code to more people and to
get new releases with bugfixes out there.

> (My personal itch for this is that FileUpload now has a dependency on
> a recent nightly build of IO, and I'd like to do a 1.1 of FileUpload
> reasonably soon, but I'm not in a big rush. I'd rather do things
> right.)

I'd quite happily do 1.1-alpha releases and things. Much rather
release-early than release-right.

> > I just moved WildcardUtils up a directory as it's used by two
> > different subpackages of IO.
> Saw that.

To answer Gary's suggestion of moving this into FilenameUtils; I'm not
anti that suggestion. Obviously FilenameUtils would have to be closer
to release first.

> > There are a couple of options on the finder code which are not
> > implemented yet (time ones I think).
> I guess it might be better to finish that up than release it not fully
> baked. ;-)

It's a clone as such of the unix command line tool, so a few of the
flags that may be done in unix find are yet to be coded. Not that
necessary for a release-early. Someone did post a different way to do
the flags though; which needs to be looked at. I'm a huge fan of the
find command in Unix, and wanted something to let me write similar
style scripts in Java. It was partly written to be called from Groovy.

> I just noticed a couple of items on the IO wiki page:
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/IO
> Can you (or someone else) elaborate on what it means to get
> FilenameUtils and ClassLoaderObjectInputStream "release ready"? It's a
> bit vague... ;-)

Yep, tis vague. Remember that much of IO is accumulated code, which is
then cleaned up and tests written for it.

FilenameUtils had a lot of issues. We'll need to go back in the list
history to see what they were. Methods need killing, writing, testing

ClassLoaderOIS needs unit tests written. The effort of figuring out
how to unit test it was always greater than the itch to include it in
an IO release :)


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