
This project looks well maintained.  It would be good to state the minimum
Java version required on the home page.


--- Oliver Zeigermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Folks,
> as described in previous posts and inspired by the fine proposal for
> email promotion I would like to see the transaction component
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/transaction/
> promoted to commons proper. 
> The initial committers would be Stefan Lützkendorf, James Mason,
> Daniel Florey and me. AFAIK none of us is a committer in commons
> proper so the promotion would include making as committers there.
> We all are Jakarta Slide committers and this is where the component
> came from. We factored out code for a transactional file system,
> transactional maps (implementing Map interface) with different ACID
> strategies, general purpose locks and a few more helper classes.
> Junit tests exist for all parts and succeed:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/transaction/junit-report.html
> Javadoc is pretty complete 
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/transaction/apidocs/index.html
> and general documentation and even a short tutorial for locks exist:
> The transaction component is stable enough to be released as a 1.0
> soon after promotion and would initially be maintained by the
> committers of the Slide community. Once promoted growth is anticipated
> as even in the sandbox it attracted some attention.
> As I am not a commons committer, I have no binding vote, but my
> non-binding vote of course is +1.
> Oliver
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