On 15 Nov 2004, at 22:04, Mark Lowe wrote:

A little bit of a digression but I'm reading through the LGPL blurb..

Can you give a bit more detail on this problem? Just as a matter or curiosity.

IANAL but here's my understanding of the apache concerns: the LGPL is strongly tied to C and C++ by the technical terms it uses. how these terms will be interpreted by the courts when used in java (or other similar languages) is uncertain to say the least. one perfectly reasonable reading is that (for java) the terms of the LGPL and the GPL are identical. the ASF has (over the years) made many approaches to the FSF asking them to address this issue but without success. therefore, until such time that either the courts or the FSF provide the necessary legal clarification, the ASF cannot allow such imports.

- robert

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