But only having a send method in the email class could fall short of
making the mail api easier to use. As the requirement for bulk emails
is a common one, shouldn't there be a way to do this under commons

All I'm saying is that all the requirements I've had for bulk emails (and I've had a few such projects) have required more than I think is fitting for commons-email. I've never had a need to send exactly the same message to a list of addresses in a way which wasn't better handled either by including the list of addresses on a single message or by using an external mailing list management system. If I were a mail server admin, I'd rather have you send a single message with a long recipient list (in the BCC if necessary) than send identical copies of the same message over and over again.

I also think that no matter how self-evident you feel the handling for logging and reporting are, these will be things on which other people have other opinions. This may be a better candidate for sample code, either in an "examples" area of CVS, in the xdocs, or in the Wiki. Ultimately, I probably wouldn't veto something like this, but I don't think it's extremely compelling either.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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