Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:

As I said before: I'm +1 for moving to Apache DB. But I'd like it to go
through incubation to get these points cleared up. I'd love to nuke
torque-gen in the long run if commons-sql evolves to be a solid
foundation for an OJB _and_ Torque code/SQL generator. So everyone wins.
Incubation can help with this.

If commons-sql moves directly to DB, there will be a fixed set of
committers and pressure (from OJB) to "get a release out". And if this
one is locked into being OJB centric, then me (as a Torque guy) don't
even start looking into the project.

Incubation IMHO can help the Torque _and_ the OJB people to find a
common ground.

Hmm, I'd love to see a common component that is used by both OJB and Torque, but by putting commons-sql into Incubation I don't think this would be happening anytime soon. Right now, commons-sql nearly does all that OJB requires (support for some additional databases like Derby is missing), and Incubation would - for OJB - only mean that commons-sql's adoption in OJB will be postponed. Other than this, there will be no lock-in into OJB, basically because OJB itself does not have a lot of requirements regarding commons-sql. In the end, it only needs a component to create/alter a database according to an XML schema, and that this is also possible at runtime (i.e. controlled by a Java app).
Also, I think that Incubation would require Torque developers (even more so than OJB developers), because most additional requirements likely come from Torque, not OJB, especially if commons-sql is slated to be merged with/replace torque-gen.

In case the general vote for moving commons-sql is positive, I would prefer to have it as a normal project (or a sandbox project if there is something like this in db) and initially give commit rights to all OJB and Torque committers. IMO this would make it easier (and less bureaucratic than with Incubation) to enhance commons-sql, e.g. by defining these requirements, writing tests and then creating/adopting the functionality.


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