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I submit this here for consideration of being added to Commons IO.  If this 
should be directed elsewhere, I would appreciate that information.  Thanks for 
your time!

A common question I've seen asked (and been asked myself numerous
times) is how to get the free space on a volume in a pure-Java way.
At the present time, as far as I know, nothing like this exists
in the SDKs.  So, I set out to write a class that could do it
for any platform (almost) without using JNI.  It's still not really
a pure-Java solution since it uses System.exec to shell out to an
OS-specific utility (dir for Windows, df for *nix) to get the

I have tested this on Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT,
RedHat Linux and Mandrake Linux.  I believe it will work on
virtually any Windows or *nix platform, although the more
verification of this I can get, the better!

I have purposely left out support for some platforms like AS/400
and OS/390 because I frankly don't know anything about them and
don't have access to them to test.  Perhaps down down...

To use it, simply instantiate a GetFreeSpace object and call the
GetFreeSpace() method, passing it a path.  This will be a drive
letter, including the colon, on Windows, or a mounted filesystem
on *nix.  An IOEXception is thrown if anything goes wrong, with
an at least somewhat descriptive message about what may have
gone wrong.  Generally-speaking, if used as specified, it should
"just work".  (Does it make more sense to make this a static method
of some other Commons object?  Anyone?)

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