Torsten Curdt wrote:

While I did some work with ASM I found it
very nice to work with ...and so I wanted
get rid of a direct BCEL dependency. Which

Fyi, I'm working on porting the current BCEL ClassTransformer over to ASM.

...but for now I think rewriting on the
package name is quite a useable alternative
that probably will fit the real world

You have mentioned this before, but I don't understand how you envision this working. Does this mean that a class originally in package would be rewritten to by the transformer? I'm fairly sure that I am not interpreting your idea correctly because this will almost certainly cause problems for instances of that class if they need to access package protected methods and fields in other classes. If you could go into a bit of detail on this, it would be super.


                                  Philip Jacob
                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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