
I have found that running "maven test" for beanutils reports a failure
of 3 test cases.

(a) BeanificationTestCase and LocaleBeanificationTestCase both fail to
load a test class using the code:
   ClassLoader loader = new ClassLoader() {};
   Class myClass = loader.loadClass(

I believe the problem is that maven runs the unit tests within a custom
classloader or somesuch, and so the above code which creates a
classloader whose parent is the *system* classloader can't find the test
case classes.

Changing the above to:
   ClassLoader loader = new ClassLoader(
     this.getClass().getClassLoader()) {};
resolves the issue.

(b) in the test/.../locale/converters directory, file
"BaseLocaleConverterTestCase.java" doesn't actually define any test
cases at all; it is just intended as a base class for the other tests to
extend. But junit regards it as an error for a TestCase class not to
have any tests. Simply adding a dummy test method resolves this. (NB:
the alternative would be to rename the class [eg to
"BaseLocaleConverterTester"] and then change each class that inherits
from it to match the new name which is probably a "purer" solution but
much more hassle.

Are there any objections to me committing these changes to beanutils?

I have also been working on bug# 18294. Are the beanutils maintainers ok
with me adding myself to the "developers" list for beanutils and
applying the necessary changes for that?



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