To fix this, let's first consider how a catalog can be retrieved.
Suppose a command retrieves a catalog from the CatalogFactory (either
the default one or a named one and this is the case when CONFIG_ATTR
is not set), now the problem becomes how it knows the catalog name.
One way is to hard code the catalog name in the command. Another way
to retrieve the name from the chain context. I think the later one is
more flexible (especially for a generic command like ServletPathMapper
command), even though it incurs one more step. (This command has a
setCatalogKey method, but I'm not sure how this method can be called.
Since you can't call this method from the containing servlet because
the servlet only knows about the generic command interface.)

Command methods like "setCatalogKey" are generally intended to be set during configuration bootstrap time, for example, by the Digester process that reads in an XML file...

<command className="...ServletPathMapper" catalogKey="catalog" />

As for your other comments... to be honest, I've been too busy to consider them very carefully, and I think part of my problem is that I have never even considered using the ChainServlet classes. Do you have a suggestion for a fix for the code base so that in the next release, it will be more practically usable?

Thanks, Joe

Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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