--- robert burrell donkin
> inspired by ceki's examples, i've been working on an
> extended systematic
> analysis of the various classloader cases. there's
> demonstration code
> for them as well as documentation. it's not complete
> but most of the
> substantial cases address by ceki's document are
> covered. (the
> unconventional context classloader cases highlighted
> by simon are
> missing but they need a little more consideration.)
> i think that
> developers should find it interesting and maybe a
> little educational. it
> certainly help me think a lot more clearly about
> these issues. 

Look forward to seeing this.  I was thinking of
getting going on some unit tests based on the earlier
analyses, but think I'll wait a bit to see what you've
> my plan is to establish a baseline without fixing
> bugs so that
> theoretical optimum behaviour can be compared to
> where JCL is now. it
> includes configurations which cannot work in theory
> as well as those
> which can. 
> i'm now trying to work out the best place and
> packaging for the source.
> in some ways, it's not really JCL source and so in
> some ways, it doesn't
> seem to belong in the JCL. on the other hand, i hope
> that it might be
> useful for JCL advanced users and developers.so,
> there a temptation to
> include it (perhaps within a subdirectory).
> opinions?

I definitely think this kind of thing should go into a
shared repository somewhere and JCL seems like the
logical place.  Publishing zips is pretty cumbersome.

> - robert
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