> test runs now

Great work! Will surely help me a lot.

> fixed a couple of small things: need to match on singular property type
> in the test for polymorphism. (possible may need to add an extra null
> test and then check property type in some cases. no time to create unit
> tests to prove or disprove this now.) also, tweaked the element name
> matching code in the property descriptor.

What do you mean with singular property type ? A common base type
different from Object ?

> an important thing to remember is that betwixt (right or wrong) does not
> assign adders automatically when using a dot betwixt file. you need to
> either use addDefaults or add an updater property. this behaviour has
> been like this for a while and is a FAQ. maybe it needs changing but
> that then there'd be no way to indicate no updater should be used.

Mhmm, this auto-determination of an adder/updater would be really nice
to have. What's the reason somebody want's no updater ? If this is for
read-only properties, then some property like "readonly" might do ?
Btw, does this new reference/collection behaviour affect the addDefaults stuff ?


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