Simon Kitching wrote:
This is only a *compile-time* dependency.

Currently there is a single utility class provided in the standard
logging jar which can be used to avoid memory leaks when using
commons-logging in servlet containers.

The presence of the class doesn't do any harm when used in
non-servlet-containers; commons-logging will run fine and the class is
simply not used.

There's a recurring problem: projects developing into kitchen-sinks
(Damn hard to avoid writing "kitching sink" here :-) ).

I had to build Apache software from source multiple times for debugging
purposes, and I don't like to track down all of the obscure compile
time dependencies. Nor do I like to wait half an hour until all
dependencies have been fetched from ibiblio or whatever.

I'd prefer a more modular approach:
- Split the project (preferred, but not all that easy)
- Provide several build targets according to dependencies
- Compile "optional" (non-core, or less likely to be missed) components
 or features only if libraries they depend on are in the classpath.
 Issue a warning otherwise: "Component/Feature FooBar not compiled
 because FooLib not found..."

Take a look at the FOP build file to see the third approach in action.


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