 Tue Sep 13 08:35:24 2005
@@ -34,380 +34,364 @@
 import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder;
 import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.GroupBuilder;
 import org.apache.commons.cli2.commandline.WriteableCommandLineImpl;
+import org.apache.commons.cli2.resource.ResourceConstants;
+import org.apache.commons.cli2.resource.ResourceHelper;
  * @author Rob Oxspring
-public class ParentTest extends ParentTestCase {
+public class ParentTest
+    extends ParentTestCase {
+    public static final Argument COMPLEX_ARGUMENT =
+        new 
+    public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL =
+        new 
+    public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC =
+        new 
+    public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST =
+        new 
+    public static final Group COMPLEX_CHILDREN =
+        new 
+    public static Parent buildLibParent() {
+        final Argument argument = ArgumentTest.buildPathArgument();
+        return new DefaultOption("-", "--", false, "--lib", "Specifies library 
search path", null,
+                                 null, false, argument, null, 'l');
+    }
+    public static Parent buildKParent() {
+        final Group children = GroupTest.buildApacheCommandGroup();
+        return new DefaultOption("-", "--", false, "-k", "desc", null, null, 
false, null, children,
+                                 'k');
+    }
+    public static Parent buildComplexParent() {
+        return new 
+                                   .create();
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.ParentTestCase#testProcessParent()
+     */
+    public void testProcessParent()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        final List args = list("-k", "start");
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, args);
+        final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
+        option.processParent(commandLine, iterator);
+        assertEquals("start",;
+        assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("-k"));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testCanProcess()
+     */
+    public void testCanProcess() {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        assertTrue(option.canProcess(new WriteableCommandLineImpl(option, 
null), "-k"));
+    }
+    public void testCanProcess_BadMatch() {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        assertFalse(option.canProcess(new WriteableCommandLineImpl(option, 
null), "-K"));
+    }
+    public void testCanProcess_ContractedArgument() {
+        final Parent option = buildLibParent();
+        assertTrue(option.canProcess(new WriteableCommandLineImpl(option, 
null), "--lib=/usr/lib"));
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testPrefixes()
+     */
+    public void testPrefixes() {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        assertContentsEqual(list("-", "--"), option.getPrefixes());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testProcess()
+     */
+    public void testProcess()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = CommandTest.buildStartCommand();
+        final List args = list("start");
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, args);
+        final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
+        option.process(commandLine, iterator);
+        assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("start"));
+        assertFalse(commandLine.hasOption("stop"));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
+    }
+    public void testProcess_NoMatch()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = CommandTest.buildStartCommand();
+        final List args = list("whatever");
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, args);
+        final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
+        try {
+            option.process(commandLine, iterator);
+            fail("unexpected token not thrown");
+        } catch (OptionException exp) {
+            OptionException e =
+                new OptionException(option, 
ResourceConstants.UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, "whatever");
+            assertEquals("wrong exception message", e.getMessage(), 
+        }
+    }
+    public void testProcess_Children()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        final List args = list("-k", "start");
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, args);
+        final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
+        option.process(commandLine, iterator);
+        assertNull(option.findOption("whatever"));
+        assertNotNull(option.findOption("start"));
+        assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("-k"));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("start"));
+        assertFalse(commandLine.hasOption("stop"));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
+    }
+    public void testProcess_Argument()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = buildLibParent();
+        final List args = list("--lib=C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINNT;C:\\");
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, args);
+        final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
+        option.process(commandLine, iterator);
+        assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
+        assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("--lib"));
+        assertContentsEqual(list("C:\\WINDOWS", "C:\\WINNT", "C:\\"), 
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testTriggers()
+     */
+    public void testTriggers() {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        assertContentsEqual(list("-k"), option.getTriggers());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testValidate()
+     */
+    public void testValidate()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = CommandTest.buildStartCommand();
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, list());
+        option.validate(commandLine);
+        commandLine.addOption(option);
+        option.validate(commandLine);
+    }
+    public void testValidate_Children()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Parent option = buildKParent();
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, list());
+        option.validate(commandLine);
+        commandLine.addOption(option);
+        try {
+            option.validate(commandLine);
+            fail("Missing a command");
+        } catch (OptionException moe) {
+            assertNotNull(moe.getOption());
+            assertNotSame(option, moe.getOption());
+        }
+    }
+    public void testValidate_Argument()
+        throws OptionException {
+        final Command option = CommandTest.buildLoginCommand();
+        final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, list());
+        option.validate(commandLine);
+        commandLine.addOption(option);
+        try {
+            option.validate(commandLine);
+            fail("Missing a value");
+        } catch (OptionException moe) {
+            assertSame(option, moe.getOption());
+        }
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testAppendUsage()
+     */
+    public void testAppendUsage() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_GROUP_OUTER);
+        option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
+        assertEquals("[login (l,lo) <username> [login-opts (--basic 
(-b)|--digest (-d)|--ssl (-s))]]",
+                     buffer.toString());
+    }
+    public void testAppendUsage_NoArguments() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_GROUP_OUTER);
+        option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
+        assertEquals("[login (l,lo) [login-opts (--basic (-b)|--digest 
(-d)|--ssl (-s))]]",
+                     buffer.toString());
+    }
+    public void testAppendUsage_NoChildren() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
+        option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
+        assertEquals("[login (l,lo) <username>]", buffer.toString());
+    }
+    public void testAppendUsage_NoArgumentsOrChildren() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
+        option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
+        assertEquals("[login (l,lo)]", buffer.toString());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testGetPreferredName()
+     */
+    public void testGetPreferredName() {
+        final Option option = buildLibParent();
+        assertEquals("--lib", option.getPreferredName());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testGetDescription()
+     */
+    public void testGetDescription() {
+        final Option option = buildLibParent();
+        assertEquals("Specifies library search path", option.getDescription());
+    }
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testHelpLines()
+     */
+    public void testHelpLines() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final List lines = option.helpLines(0, DisplaySetting.ALL, null);
+        final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
+        final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line2 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(1, line2.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_ARGUMENT, line2.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line3 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(1, line3.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILDREN, line3.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line4 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line4.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC, line4.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line5 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line5.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST, line5.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line6 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line6.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL, line6.getOption());
+        assertFalse(i.hasNext());
+    }
+    public void testHelpLines_NoArgument() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
+        final List lines = option.helpLines(0, settings, null);
+        final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
+        final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line3 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(1, line3.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILDREN, line3.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line4 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line4.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC, line4.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line5 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line5.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST, line5.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line6 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(2, line6.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL, line6.getOption());
+        assertFalse(i.hasNext());
+    }
+    public void testHelpLines_NoChildren() {
+        final Option option = buildComplexParent();
+        final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
+        settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
+        final List lines = option.helpLines(0, settings, null);
+        final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
+        final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
+        final HelpLine line2 = (HelpLine);
+        assertEquals(1, line2.getIndent());
+        assertEquals(COMPLEX_ARGUMENT, line2.getOption());
-       public static Parent buildLibParent() {
-               final Argument argument = ArgumentTest.buildPathArgument();
-               return new DefaultOption(
-                       "-",
-                       "--",
-                       false,
-                       "--lib",
-                       "Specifies library search path",
-                       null,
-                       null,
-                       false,
-                       argument,
-                       null, 
-            'l');
-       }
-       public static Parent buildKParent() {
-               final Group children = GroupTest.buildApacheCommandGroup();
-               return new DefaultOption(
-                       "-",
-                       "--",
-                       false,
-                       "-k",
-                       "desc",
-                       null,
-                       null,
-                       false,
-                       null,
-                       children, 
-            'k');
-       }
-       public static final Argument COMPLEX_ARGUMENT =
-               new ArgumentBuilder()
-                       .withName("username")
-                       .withMinimum(1)
-                       .withMaximum(1)
-                       .create();
-       public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL =
-               new DefaultOptionBuilder()
-                       .withLongName("ssl")
-                       .withShortName("s")
-                       .create();
-       public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC =
-               new DefaultOptionBuilder()
-                       .withLongName("basic")
-                       .withShortName("b")
-                       .create();
-       public static final Option COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST =
-               new DefaultOptionBuilder()
-                       .withLongName("digest")
-                       .withShortName("d")
-                       .create();
-       public static final Group COMPLEX_CHILDREN =
-               new GroupBuilder()
-                       .withName("login-opts")
-                       .withOption(COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC)
-                       .withOption(COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST)
-            .withOption(COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL)
-                       .create();
-       public static Parent buildComplexParent() {
-               return new CommandBuilder()
-                       .withName("login")
-                       .withName("lo")
-                       .withArgument(COMPLEX_ARGUMENT)
-                       .withChildren(COMPLEX_CHILDREN)
-                       .create();
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.ParentTestCase#testProcessParent()
-        */
-       public void testProcessParent() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               final List args = list("-k", "start");
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
-               option.processParent(commandLine, iterator);
-               assertEquals("start",;
-               assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("-k"));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testCanProcess()
-        */
-       public void testCanProcess() {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               assertTrue(option.canProcess(new 
WriteableCommandLineImpl(option,null), "-k"));
-       }
-       public void testCanProcess_BadMatch() {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               assertFalse(option.canProcess(new 
WriteableCommandLineImpl(option,null), "-K"));
-       }
-       public void testCanProcess_ContractedArgument() {
-               final Parent option = buildLibParent();
-               assertTrue(option.canProcess(new 
WriteableCommandLineImpl(option,null), "--lib=/usr/lib"));
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testPrefixes()
-        */
-       public void testPrefixes() {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               assertContentsEqual(list("-", "--"), option.getPrefixes());
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testProcess()
-        */
-       public void testProcess() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = CommandTest.buildStartCommand();
-               final List args = list("start");
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
-               option.process(commandLine, iterator);
-               assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("start"));
-               assertFalse(commandLine.hasOption("stop"));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
-       }
-       public void testProcess_Children() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               final List args = list("-k", "start");
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
-               option.process(commandLine, iterator);
-               assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("-k"));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("start"));
-               assertFalse(commandLine.hasOption("stop"));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.getValues(option).isEmpty());
-       }
-       public void testProcess_Argument() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = buildLibParent();
-               final List args = list("--lib=C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINNT;C:\\");
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               final ListIterator iterator = args.listIterator();
-               option.process(commandLine, iterator);
-               assertFalse(iterator.hasNext());
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption(option));
-               assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("--lib"));
-               assertContentsEqual(
-                       list("C:\\WINDOWS", "C:\\WINNT", "C:\\"),
-                       commandLine.getValues(option));
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testTriggers()
-        */
-       public void testTriggers() {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               assertContentsEqual(list("-k"), option.getTriggers());
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testValidate()
-        */
-       public void testValidate() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = CommandTest.buildStartCommand();
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               option.validate(commandLine);
-               commandLine.addOption(option);
-               option.validate(commandLine);
-       }
-       public void testValidate_Children() throws OptionException {
-               final Parent option = buildKParent();
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               option.validate(commandLine);
-               commandLine.addOption(option);
-               try {
-                       option.validate(commandLine);
-                       fail("Missing a command");
-               } catch (OptionException moe) {
-                       assertNotNull(moe.getOption());
-                       assertNotSame(option, moe.getOption());
-               }
-       }
-       public void testValidate_Argument() throws OptionException {
-               final Command option = CommandTest.buildLoginCommand();
-               final WriteableCommandLine commandLine = commandLine(option, 
-               option.validate(commandLine);
-               commandLine.addOption(option);
-               try {
-                       option.validate(commandLine);
-                       fail("Missing a value");
-               } catch (OptionException moe) {
-                       assertSame(option, moe.getOption());
-               }
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testAppendUsage()
-        */
-       public void testAppendUsage() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_GROUP_OUTER);
-               option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
-               assertEquals(
-                       "[login (lo) <username> [login-opts (--basic 
(-b)|--digest (-d)|--ssl (-s))]]",
-                       buffer.toString());
-       }
-       public void testAppendUsage_NoArguments() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_GROUP_OUTER);
-               option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
-               assertEquals(
-                       "[login (lo) [login-opts (--basic (-b)|--digest 
(-d)|--ssl (-s))]]",
-                       buffer.toString());
-       }
-       public void testAppendUsage_NoChildren() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
-               option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
-               assertEquals("[login (lo) <username>]", buffer.toString());
-       }
-       public void testAppendUsage_NoArgumentsOrChildren() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
-               option.appendUsage(buffer, settings, null);
-               assertEquals("[login (lo)]", buffer.toString());
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testGetPreferredName()
-        */
-       public void testGetPreferredName() {
-               final Option option = buildLibParent();
-               assertEquals("--lib", option.getPreferredName());
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testGetDescription()
-        */
-       public void testGetDescription() {
-               final Option option = buildLibParent();
-               assertEquals("Specifies library search path", 
-       }
-       /* (non-Javadoc)
-        * @see org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionTestCase#testHelpLines()
-        */
-       public void testHelpLines() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final List lines =
-                       option.helpLines(0, DisplaySetting.ALL, null);
-               final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
-               final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line2 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(1, line2.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_ARGUMENT, line2.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line3 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(1, line3.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILDREN, line3.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line4 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line4.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC, line4.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line5 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line5.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST, line5.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line6 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line6.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL, line6.getOption());
-               assertFalse(i.hasNext());
-       }
-       public void testHelpLines_NoArgument() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_ARGUMENT);
-               final List lines = option.helpLines(0, settings, null);
-               final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
-               final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line3 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(1, line3.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILDREN, line3.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line4 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line4.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_BASIC, line4.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line5 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line5.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_DIGEST, line5.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line6 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(2, line6.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_CHILD_SSL, line6.getOption());
-               assertFalse(i.hasNext());
-       }
-       public void testHelpLines_NoChildren() {
-               final Option option = buildComplexParent();
-               final Set settings = new HashSet(DisplaySetting.ALL);
-               settings.remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_PARENT_CHILDREN);
-               final List lines = option.helpLines(0, settings, null);
-               final Iterator i = lines.iterator();
-               final HelpLine line1 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(0, line1.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(option, line1.getOption());
-               final HelpLine line2 = (HelpLine);
-               assertEquals(1, line2.getIndent());
-               assertEquals(COMPLEX_ARGUMENT, line2.getOption());
-               assertFalse(i.hasNext());
-       }
-    public void testGetId(){
+        assertFalse(i.hasNext());
+    }
+    public void testGetId() {
         assertEquals('h', DefaultOptionTest.buildHelpOption().getId());
         assertEquals('X', DefaultOptionTest.buildXOption().getId());
         assertEquals(0, CommandTest.buildStartCommand().getId());

 Tue Sep 13 08:35:24 2005
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
                 fail("maximum out of bounds exception not caught");
             } catch (final InvalidArgumentException exp) {
-                        new Object[] { "2004-10-12" }), exp.getMessage());
+                                                  new Object[] { "2004-10-12" 
}), exp.getMessage());

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