Lewis, Cory (Genworth) schrieb:
I believe I've found a bug in commons-configuration 1.1. Basically,
PropertiesConfiguration will not actually include files in an include
directive until the original properties file has been reloaded.
An example: [prefs.properties]
foo=pref test1
bar=other test2
the test: PropertiesConfiguration config = new
config.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
int current = 0; while(current < 2){
If this is run, and no files are touched, you'll get
pref test1
pref test1
If, however, you make a change to prefs.properties so the file gets
reread during the sleep, you'll get
pref test1
null pref test1
other test2
If you take out the reload strategy and run this against configuration 1.0, it works as expected. It may be noted that I have applied the patch supplied in bug 34289 by
Oliver Heger.
I'd be happy to file a bug report, but someone else who can be more
concise may want to do it.
In the meantime, if any one has a quick fix for this, it would be greatly appreciated.

from your comments I read that you do not use the current version of configuration (i.e. the version in svn). In addition to the patch you mention there have been other changes to PropertiesConfiguration. Some of them also affected the include mechanism. I remember one issue with the base path not being correctly set, which makes including files fail.

So, could you please give the current svn trunk a try and check if the problem persists? If this is the case, I will have a look.


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