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The following page has been changed by RobertEnyedi:

  We should stay in state 2. until one sends a signal to finish with the 
+ == 12. Eclipse enabled VFS JARs ==
+ The problem: Currently extending VFS with new file system providers cannot be 
done in an elegant manner. Special code needs to be written to register new 
file systems for new schemas.
+ A possible solution: The VFS project could make use of the powerful plugin 
mechanism available in Eclipse (actually they are migrating towards the OSGi 
plugin model). 
+ The whole idea would be to be able to extends VFS with new file system 
providers using the Eclipse plugin model (with extensions to VFS extension 
points). The standard file system manager could be extended: if the Eclipse 
runtime is detected to be running then it could use the Eclipse runtime's 
mechanisms to identify extensions to the VFS extension points. If the Eclipse 
runtime is not running it could fall back to the existing provider 
initialization found in StandardFileSystemManager.
+ In the JCommander project we had a file system abstraction layer that worked 
this way and we found it very easy and elegant to provide additional file 
system implementation. Actually now that we have moved over to VFS we will 
implement this functionality. When this implementation will be provided then it 
could be analyzed if it is suited to the base VFS distribution.
+ Having these would make it much easier for third parties to extend VFS.
  == new filesystems ==

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