On 1/13/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Back in September 05 (wow, is it really 2006 already? :) Jerome sent a
> comprehensive vision for exec. I found myself agreeing with most
> everything in there (I'll reply to a couple of specifics shortly).
> Message ID from then: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> However, it was long and wordy. I think the key part was that "we should
> have a minimal exposed API". Maybe a good step forward is to sketch that
> API, then write implementations that reuse existing code, then refactor
> code behind the scenes later?
> With this, we could get something up and working *reasonably* quickly
> that is *reasonably* stable.
> Jerome, Niklas, Trygve - anyone interested in picking this up? In some
> ways the above email described it and this is just an interface sketch.

Cool. I was coming back to this subject now as I am more or less done
with my other things that took my away for the last 3 months.

I had some changes in mind compared to my original design proposal, to
make it simpler.

So I am willing to help you design & test this API/implementation and
make sure it works with CruiseControl.

I don't want to duplicate efforts so I would prefer a coordinator on
that. Should I take back my original proposal and clean it up? Should
we start from scratch?

Whatever the proposal, I want to see code examples to see how it would
work in practise.


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