On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 23:58 +1300, Simon Kitching wrote:

> Craig Mcc has also confirmed it looks broken to him.

yep, broke

> Here are the options I can see:
> (a) remove AvalonLogger from the JCL 1.1 distribution.
> (b) remove Serializable marker interface from AvalonLogger
> (c) on deserialize, try to handle things properly (we can under
> some circumstances). If not possible, create a dummy Logger
> object that just discards all output.


> My preference in order would be: B, A, C. 
> All seem feasable.
> Comments?

B, C, A :)

> BTW, I have checked for unit tests for Serializable behaviour. Log4j,
> Simple and Jdk14 all have a unit test checking that a
> serialized/deserialized instance works ok.
> NoOp, LogKit and AvalonLogger do not have serialization unit tests. As
> NoOp has *no* instance members of any sort a test doesn't seem
> vital :-). I'm willing to create a serialization test for LogKit.

if it's not going to take too much time, that'd be good. please use the
JCL1 branch.

- robert

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