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The following page has been changed by StephenColebourne:

The comment on the change is:
Create page about removing commons-build

New page:
= Commons Committers Documentation =

All commons website should use maven to build. At present, the required version 
is v1.0.2 with the plugins described in commons-build/pluginUpdate.txt.

Previously a common site layout was achieved by linking to commons-build. This 
was achieved via relative file paths, and a requirements to checkout 
commons-build parallel with your component. This meant that downloaded release 
could not be built by users. A new mechanism (March 2006) changes this.

== Sharing the style ==
The CSS style is shared by having a single css file (project.css) in the 
component's xdocs/style directory. The project.css file imports the shared file

This file can be updated as and when required, and all websites will 
immediately update. This direct http link means that downloads can be built 
without a reference on commons-build previously foud in maven.xml and Previously commons-site.jsl was used - now the standard 
maven site.jsl is used.

The only time a user will not see the commons styled website is if they have a 
local copy of the site and they are currently offline. In that situation, they 
will see the maven standard colours (grey and red headers etc.)

This technique can be used to add a logo such as the !ApacheCon easily. Simply 
add a background image and padding-top to the leftColumn.

== Sharing the navigation ==
The commons community has expressed a desire to share some menu items across 
all components. Previously this was achieved by including a relative file path 
URL DOCTYPE at the top of navigation.xml and a single common-menus entity.

The new structure uses the same basic entity idea, but removes the relative 
dependency on commons-build. Instead, an absolute dependency on is added. To accomodate 
this, the entity must be changed from common-menus to commons.

As part of this change, the included section has been greatly simplified. Only 
items truly worth sharing have been shared.

== Converting from commons-build relative ==
To convert a website to the new design, perform the following steps:

* Delete all css files from xdocs/style

* Add a project.css file to xdocs/style identical to

* In maven.xml, remove the commons-build section (clearly indicated)

* In, remove the maven.xdoc.jsl line

* In navigation.xml, change the DOCTYPE line URL to

* In navigation.xml, change the entity from &common-menus; to &commons;

In addition to these changes, you may wish to examine the lang/io sites to see 
if you can group your own menu structure in navigation.xml to be similar. The 
main aspect is to separate the user information from the developer information.

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