Jochen Wiedmann wrote on Sunday, September 03, 2006 9:53 PM:

> Hi,
> I attempted to build the site of commons-fileupload, following the
> instruction from 
> (To be precise, I simply made sure, that the latest snapshot of the
> maven-site-plugin is being used. I found no other instructions that I
> should follow.) 
> Unfortunately, the build failed, most possibly because of an error in
> the site plugin or one of its dependencies. (I've got a
> ClassNotFoundException.) 
> Regardless of the above problems, I also do believe that using a
> snapshot plugin should be avoided. As the site builds very well with
> the released version, I am currently simply ignoring the instructions
> on CreatingSiteWithMaven2. 

Another reson to avoid SNAPSHOT-plugins: The release plugin will not build a 
release while you depend on anything using a SNAPSHOIT version!

- Jörg

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