Yes.  We should avoid snapshot dependencies. I think when that page
was written, the site plugin had not been released yet.  I have not
yet succeeded in duplicating / reverse engineering the setup to get
this working and updated.  Updates based on working examples using
current released plugin versions would be most appreciated.  Where, by
the way, are you getting the maven-changes-plugin for [fileupload]?


On 9/3/06, Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ochen Wiedmann wrote on Sunday, September 03, 2006 9:53 PM:

> Hi,
> I attempted to build the site of commons-fileupload, following the
> instruction from
> (To be precise, I simply made sure, that the latest snapshot of the
> maven-site-plugin is being used. I found no other instructions that I
> should follow.)
> Unfortunately, the build failed, most possibly because of an error in
> the site plugin or one of its dependencies. (I've got a
> ClassNotFoundException.)
> Regardless of the above problems, I also do believe that using a
> snapshot plugin should be avoided. As the site builds very well with
> the released version, I am currently simply ignoring the instructions
> on CreatingSiteWithMaven2.

Another reson to avoid SNAPSHOT-plugins: The release plugin will not build a 
release while you depend on anything using a SNAPSHOIT version!

- Jörg

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