This may be another case where we should consider placing the major version number in the package name.


Sandy McArthur wrote:
As I mentioned on commons-user I plan to prep a pool 2.0 release
candidate in the next week. I'll compile a complete list of changes
but here are the important changes I can recall right now.

1. Requires Java 1.4
2. Adds the org.apache.commons.pool.composite pool implementation that
I started writing almost a year ago.
3.  Changes the behavior of getNumActive and getNumIdle so they return
a negative value to indicate unsupported operation instead of thrown
an UnsupportedOperationException.
4. The returnObject, invalidateObject, and close methods no longer
throw Exceptions. The rational being code calling these methods would
rather have any internal exceptions swallowed instead of being
propagated and having to deal with them.
5. borrowObject swallows exceptions that originate from activating an
idle object but throw an exception that originates from the factory's
makeObject method.

Expanded details at:

I plan to look at issues POOL-85 and POOL-86 and change the
pacakge.html for the composite package because it has a lot of
information intended for pool developers and not programmers using

Any thoughts or objections?

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