
I've been looking at creating distributions for commons logging using Maven 2. So I did some reading on ASF policy regarding distributions and poked around in different commons components, to see if I could find a least common denominator.

Unfortunately I haven't. So I've got a couple of questions for you to think about:

1. What should a source distribution include?

2. What should a binary distribution include?

Reading the documentation for the assembly-plugin [1] for Maven 2 I found an interesting feature that will come in the next version. It will create an assembly (distribution) of "the entire source project, including the Maven POM and other files outside of your source directory structure, but excluding all SCM files and the target directory" and archives for it (tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip). Now this sound to me like the ideal source distro. A complete checkout. Then it's up to the user to build, read or do whatever he or she feels like with it.

Who downloads a binary distribution, why and what for? Someone who doesn't use Maven to build their products. Because the don't want to, or don't know how to, build the commons component their selves. Because someone did all the building and assembling for them, i.e. they are lazy as in good lazy. So that's a broad audience we've got there.

What do they need? Well in the case of commons they want the jar of course. What else? Some documentation on how to use it, list of dependencies and such.

The ASF also has needs when it comes to licensing. We need to put a LICENSE and NOTICE file in there.

What are your thoughts on this subject?

[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/descriptor-refs.html

Dennis Lundberg

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