On 6/18/07, Seva Popov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Phil,

Here is the config for the physical connections:

         <Resource name="jdbc/MyCPDS"
            url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@some_url:1521:some_sid"/> >
Yes, I know about the differences between PerUserPoolDataSource and
SharedPoolDataSource and I agree that the test for PerUserPoolDataSource
was not valid as you've indicated and I will try it again.

Actually, looking at the example again, even with the defaults it
should only open two connections.  See comments below.

However, I've used the same configuration for the SharedPoolDataSource
with the same negative results.

Also, in both cases when I've used ds.getConnection() I've obtained the
raw Oracle connection but I've expected to get
org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.PoolableConnection as with the
BasicDataSource.  Note, that I am not expecting to get
OraclePooledConnection as you've indicated as this would be wrong as the
OraclePooledConnection (that implements javax.sql.PooledConnection) is
supposed to be used internally by the Pool Manager implementation. The
OraclePooledConnection does not implement java.sql.Connection.  So, what
the DBCP's Pool Manager should do is to wrap the OraclePooledConnection
with the org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.PoolableConnection (or some other
wrapper that implements java.sql.Connection interface) and return the
latter to the client.

Is it not the case with DBCP?

InstanceKeyDataSource (which both PerUserPoolDataSource and
SharedPoolDataSource extend) does not wrap connection handles returned
by ConnectionPoolDataSource impls.  The pool maintains
PooledConnections obtained from the configured
ConnectionPoolDataSource and the InstanceKeyDataSource getConnection
method returns the result of getConnection applied to
PooledConnections in the pool.  The client should get back connection
handles provided by the driver.  The pool (actually the factory)
implements the ConnectionEventListener interface.

Tomcat 5.5.9 bundles (repackaged) commons dbcp 1.2.1.  You can see the
sources for this version of dbcp either by downloading the 1.2.1
source distribution here:
or online via the svn viewer:

I am by no means an Oracle expert, but using Oracle Database 10g
Express Edition Release and the client driver jar it ships
with on Fedora Core 4, tomcat 5.5.9,  I think I was able to verify
correct functioning of both PerUserPoolDataSource and
SharedPoolDataSource with your example jsp.  My output for
PerUserPoolDataSource looks like this:

Connection 1: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Connection 2: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Connection 3: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note the difference in types from your output.  The LogicalConnections
are handles.  Looking at the Oracle monitor and also ps, I can see
that there are in fact only 2 physical connections open to the
database (at least that what it looks like to me - as I said, I am not
an Oracle expert, I am concluding this from looking at "sessions"
identified in the web monitor and ps -aux | grep Oracle on the command

What version of Oracle and Oracle drivers are you using?  From the docs here:
it looks like previous versions somehow used OracleConnection
instances as handles (as your output above indicates).  Can you check
the number of physical connections open somehow?


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