Michael Shiloh wrote:

To save time, please refrain from re-opening previous discussions.

"Re-opening" implies that there has been some previous closure, vs. a discussion that just trailed off into silence. Could you please provide regular updates on important items that are still open, even if it's just to say "no progress since my last update"?

You obviously don't have to cover every issue, but I think that a "top 5" list would be reasonable. For example:

- Progress of the GTA02 hardware production and qualification (which I see you have updated on the Wiki)

- Delivery of the promised 'gllin' GPS binary to GTA01 owners (anything that can be made to work, OABI/EABI/chrooted/whatever)

- The apparent lack of 850 MHz GSM support in USA+Canada (e.g. comment 24 on bug #256)

 - Delivery of a GSM firmware update for the 3G SIM bug (#666)

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