The Digital Pioneer <> writes:
> Well here's an end user who's interested. :\

One end-user is not enough i'm afraid. Moreover i'm personally _very_
frustrated by the absence of interest from general public. There were
so many complains about lack of bluetooth support and when it's
finally there it occures nobody wants it. If i was Jan (the FSO dev
who implemented it), i'd be very demotivated to do anything more about

>     Currently i have no other ideas except disabling eSCO
>     support in kernel and bluez (probably it's even a bug in the firmware
>     of the chip we use), but i haven't tried it yet as i don't have access
>     to that non-working headset currently.
> OK, how do I do that?

First step is to use the corresponding "sco" kernel module
option. If it doesn't help one can comment out all possibly relevant
portions and recompile the kernel. Etc...

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