
Lucky for you, I'm doing my thesis on community gardening. Here's some of the books that I could get a hold of. Some of them are out of print but a library may have them. Also check Urban Agricultural Notes, city farmer web site's listing of resources: The general guides are listed towards the bottom. And though I don't like buying from, they do have a good search engine, listing out of print books, as well as in-print ones. Sometimes you have to be very specific with my library's search, so I do a search on amazon and then copy and paste the isbn number from amazon's page into the search on my library's--a very quick and easy way to find a specific book.

-Jen Lauzon

Coe, M. L. (1978). Growing with Community Gardening. Taftsville, VT: Countryman Press.

Jobb, J. (1979). The Complete Book of Community Gardening. New York: William Morrow and Co.

Naimark, S. (Ed.). (1982). A Handbook of Community Gardening. New York: Charles ScribnerÂ’s Sons.

----Original Message Follows----
Subject: [cg] good community garden book?
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 12:30:42 -0800

I just received funding tobuild a community garden at my school and I have a few questions. 1. Is their a good resource book for design the layout of a community garden/ or do I just have to peice one together using 3-4 books? (one on irrigation, one on plants, one on raised beds, one on fence building)?

2. anyone have estimated cubic yards of compost for each 1000 sqft of new beds? I am working on old compacted soil of slightly on the clay side of the soil spectrum.


thanks for help

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