Please note that you have to be a citizen of a developing country, a
Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada to be eligible for this:

Post-Doctoral Awards in Urban Agriculture

International Research Awards Programme in Urban Agriculture, AGROPOLIS,
supports innovative research in the field of Urban Agriculture.  Starting
this year, the AGROPOLIS Program will offer up to two (2) post-doctoral
awards to promising researchers who have obtained a PhD in urban agriculture
or in a related field and who wish to specialize further in their field.

Applications focusing on any of the following themes are welcomed:
a) Quantifying  the contributions of  the Urban Agriculture sector to
national and urban economy
b) Managing Health Risks associated with Urban Agriculture
c) Urban Planning and Policies for Urban Agriculture
d) Land Use Planning, tenure and Urban Agriculture

A stipend of 40,000 $ Canadian per award will be granted with a maximum of
CA$ 15,000 for travel and research related expenses. Duration of award
tenure is up to eighteen (18) months. Candidates may apply for a renewal of
funding for a second year of field work if the nature of the research
requires a second season of data collection. The research should be focused
on a developing country and the field  research conducted there. In order to
avoid any conflict of interest, the candidates are expected to work full
time on their research and should not be receiving a salary from another

Eligibility criteria
- Citizens of developing countries, Canadian citizens or permanent residents
of Canada
- Doctorate completed within the past five years
- Good record of research and publications
- Affiliation with a university or a research institution in a developing
country or in Canada

The following documents must be received no later than January 31, 2003:
-  a cover letter with full contact address
-  an abstract of the research proposal
- the research proposal (approx. 20 pages double spacing, font 12, not
inclusive of bibliography)
- the budget for the research proposal indicating research and travel
- a current curriculum vitae which should include publications
- two references with name, title and up-to-date full contact address
- academic transcripts - originals
- proof of citizenship/permanent residency
- a letter of support from institution of affiliation
 Awards will be announced by the end of May 2003.

Applications should be addressed to:
AGROPOLIS International Research Awards in Urban Agriculture Cities Feeding
People (CFP) Program Initiative International Development Research Centre
(IDRC) 250 Albert Street, P.O. Box 8500 Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H9, Canada
Tel.: 1-613-236-6163, ext. 2040, Fax: 1-613-567-7749

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