You may want to talk to the Garden Mosaic folks. As many are still on
academic break you may want to contact them later in the month.

Here's the general address:

Garden Mosaics
Fernow Hall 16
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Here's the website ( which seems to be, in large part, "coming soon", i.e.
in construction):

A good place for you to get more information on community garden research
and mongraphs published in the field is the ACGA website:

The ACGA's publications:

And the ACGA links page:

Specifically, Section III. Community Gardening and Greening Studies

Also, you need to visit the world famous Canadian Urban Farmer Website,

However, if you want to be taken seriously as a "community garden scholar"
you need to get a "Union Card" to be taken seriously ( and for Karmic
Reasons that are too complex to get into now.) You also get free
publications produced by experts in the field.  You need to become, as soon
as possible, for $25 buck (a pizza, beer and a movie date in a College town
:=)). The ACGA membership page:

Best wishes,
Adam Honigman

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacqueline Venner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 10:30 AM
Subject: [cg] Graduate Studies of Community Gardens

I am a senior in college with a Horticulture major and a minor in Sociology.

I'm very interested in community gardens as I see them as an ideal
of these two fields, as well as an ideal solution to many problems in urban 
areas, and I am hoping to go to graduate school to get a degree in probably 
Sociology.  Doing this would give me a broader understanding of what it is
community gardens need to accomplish and how they can do so.

Does anyone know of a program or faculty person in Soc, or even in Hort,
studies community gardens?  I welcome any feedback or thoughts on my
plan of study as well, as I am still trying to etch out just what it is that
want my plan to be.

Thanks so much,
Jacqueline Venner

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The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
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how to join, please go to

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