
As someone who has made his share of "classic"  mistakes, I wish that other 
parts of my life had a listserve where I could send my "inspired" ideas and 
have them critiqued by others who have been there, walked the walk and have 
no axes to grind.

This listserve is unique that way.  There are no "dumb" questions, only folks 
who won't think or ask before acting - can you imagine what the world might 
be if Dubya asked what the American people wanted before shoving his foot in 
his mouth or, if the folks who run NYC listened to people who live near 
proposed Olympic venues about whether they even wanted the darn things ( we 
don't - congratulations to San Francisco for being "un-nominated" for the 
2012 Olympic games. 

We like questions here and answer them as quickly as we can.

Best wishes,
Adam Honigman

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services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to

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