OK - 

Sounds like a nice hobby, this movement. When "Slow Food"  becomes a
movement to actually save family farms by doing the work to support them
politically through zoning for the preservation of farm land,  by supporting
real farmers markets by advocacy and their food dollars, when it works to
create good jobs in artesanal industries with medical benefits ( like in
Europe), when it works to promote organic and healthful food for our poor
and provides the wherewithal to do it, when the members of "Slow Food"
decide to reach out, join and even start community gardens, then I'll take
more of an interest in what they're doing.

Of course, any time a "Slow Foodie" wants to come to my apartment as a
public service and cook a nice artesanal meal for me and my wife when we
come home, dead tired from work ( or any other poor wage slave, for that
matter) then, I might eat my words ;=)

Best wishes,
Adam Honigman 


-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [cg] Slow Food

I would characterize this movement as varied rather than elitist.  Meals
range from potlucks
to $100+ fundraiser dinners.

Activities vary from country to country and state to state and include
things like:
Visiting an apple orchard and tasting heirloom apples
Local Cider tastings
Visiting a bakery and learning about slow stone flour grinding to produce
better bread
Fighting to preserve heirloom cheese making techniques (This has been a big
problem with the new EU rules.  There was an attempt to prevent the making
of certain cheeses that had been made for centuries in the same way.
Suddenly they were "dangerous" methods.  The reaction to this was similar to
what you would get if you told community gardens that from now on they were
only allowed to eat winter chain grocery store tomatoes.)
Seeing how salami is made from start to finish
Tastings of local wine and cheeses
Olive oil tastings from the new fall harvest
Range Hamper Picnics (a variation on Stone Soup from local foods combined
with a chef style box test)
Producing/Using Local Food directories
Dinners with local farmers that produce quality food
Encouraging the production and use of heirloom foods
Meetings with farmers whose crops have been contaminated with GMOs
Learning about the traditional recipes of an area
Learning about an area's traditonal preserving methods and recipes--with

Each local group does different activities, so it seems to me that inviting
them to tour some local community gardens, especially if you could focus on
some plots that have interesting heirloom varieties or lesser known ethnic
vegetables would be appealing to the group.
If your group gives part of its food to a Soup Kitchen or Kid's Cafe, you
might throw in some info about the sort of things they do with it to combat
the problems that some soup kitchens deal with of  having too much processed
starch and too little whole foods to feed  their diners.  And who knows what
sort of bridge might form from that.  It might be helpful to have a handout
with info on ACGA, local community gardens, Soup Kitchens/Cafes, and Seed
Savers Exchange to go with the tour.

In some ways I think the name Slow Food is unfortunate, but I think it was
chosen to be in direct opposition to Fast Food.  I think a better name might
be Savory Food or Savored Food.  A gardener-cook can make a delicious pasta
sauce with fresh foods from the garden in the time it takes pasta to cook.
This is often faster than going out to a drive through, so although it's not
Slow, it can be quite Savory.


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