What a great post! A baby community garden filled with children.  It doesn't
get better than this!
Thank you for sharing this message and the best of luck!
Adam Honigman

-----Original Message-----
From: Shelly Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: [cg] Re: Let Us Hear About Your Garden & Garden Program

Hello all,
Here is one success story for a new Toledo garden, which is a success story
for all.  One of the volunteer garden leaders here (Ida), has a daughter
with 3 children who is a homeschool mom (Roschelle).  Roschelle had been
attending the monthly garden meetings we offer for about a year with Ida,
and really wanted to start a garden herself, but was unsure who to involve,
and how to pull it all together.  She then decided to tap the homeschool
community that she was a part of, and very easily recruited 7 families to
start a garden.  It took us almost a year to get a signed agreement with the
land owners where the group wanted to put their garden....the Fraternal
Order of Police grounds....as they had quite a beaurocracy to deal with, and
apathy when it comes to gardening.  
Finally, we broke ground last spring, and rototilled their overly ambitious
90 X 100 foot garden.  Between the 12 children involved, there were 20
individual (5 X 5) plots for the kids, and then there were community
areas--tomatoes, viney stuff, etc.  After about 1/3 of the (dry) summer was
over, we got a hydrant meter (city waived the $300 deposit), and we gave
some donated hose to the garden, which meant that they no longer had to
"carry" water.  After having so much trouble with "the police", one of the
FOPs staked out a corner and gardened it himself.  The group wanted a picnic
table where they could do table-work and have snacks/lunch.  I put the word
out and a table was donated by one of our community garden committee
Things went wonderful--planning and planting--and then the weeds invaded the
community areas (!)....but worse...near tragedy struck.  Roschelle's husband
(Byron), had a stroke--3 strokes in fact, and was hospitalized for about a
month.  Other gardeners took over the leadership role, as Roschelle was
unable to play a major role in the garden for a while.  The gardeners
created their own listserve to communicate with each other and our org.
Byron is doing well and will be recovering at home for about a year.  Below
I'm pasting an excerpt from their listserve.
"It was, like that infamous September 11th of last year, another beautiful
day. We arrived at the garden right before sunset which made our garden
appear really charming. The kids don't see the weeds or the what didn't grow
or what we didn't accomplish. They run to their plots to see what new
vegetables, herbs, or flower they can harvest. And despite everything there
is always something! Despite everything, and we've been through alot in and
outside of that garden, I think the garden is a great success. If you don't
think so then you ought to hear Vincent, Vivian and Bryce telling our
friends and family about all the things they've grown. You should see how
proud they are to drop off some of our bounty to the soup kitchen or
Senior's Lunch Program we've "adopted". And you've gotta listen in on a
conversation I heard them telling a friend about now they can add 'gardener'
to the list of the possible future careers." Tanya Walker, Independence
Homeschool Garden, September 11, 2002.
Byron attended our annual Harvest Festival with his family, and spoke a few
words to the attendees after Roschelle received her garden leader award.  He
said that he had never been a gardener before, but after this summer, he was
hooked.  He had taken responsibility for doing most of the watering of the
garden, and told how he began taking pride in the plants as he watched them
grow over the summer.  He even did some weeding...and next year he would
like to be involved in the planting as well.  Pictured are some of the
gardeners posing by the giant sunflower.

We are stardust  .  .  . we are golden  .  .  . and we've got to get
ourselves back to the garden. 
Shelly Collins
Toledo GROWs Manager
Toledo Botanical Garden
5403 Elmer Drive
Toledo, Ohio  43615
"Enriching you life through gardens, the arts and nature"
www.toledogarden.org <http://www.toledogarden.org> 

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