Please pass this on. We need to be aware of our impact more than ever... and to 
change our ways. 
 People use 83 percent of land surface: study

WASHINGTON (Reuters) --Humans take up 83 percent of the Earth's land surface to 
live on, farm, mine or fish, leaving just a few areas pristine for wildlife, 
according to a new report this week.

People also have taken advantage of 98 percent of the land that can be farmed 
for rice, wheat or corn, said the report, produced by scientists from the 
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Columbia University's Center for 
International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) in New York.

Their map, published on the Internet at, 
adds together influences from population density, access from roads and 
waterways, electrical power infrastructure, and the area used by cities and 

The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of Alaska, Canada and 
Russia; the high plateaus of Tibet and Mongolia; and much of the Amazon River 

"The map of the human footprint is a clear-eyed view of our influence on the 
Earth," Eric Sanderson, a landscape ecologist for the WCS, who led the report, 
said in a statement.

"It provides a way to find opportunities to save wildlife and wild lands in 
pristine areas, and also to understand how conservation in wilderness, 
countryside, suburbs, and cities are all related."

Antarctica and a few Arctic land patches were not included in the study because 
of the lack of data and near absence of human influences, said Malanding 
Jaiteh, senior staff associate at CIESIN.

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