I store it in the normal uct tree,
so that each node has variables raveVisits and raveWins besides uctVisits
and uctWins.
So a node in the UCT-DAG can either represent a position or a move.

On 11/2/07, Christoph Birk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, Benjamin Teuber wrote:
> > I don't think there's something different at different depths in the
> tree..
> > To update RAVE after a simulation, for each child of a node you visited
> > during that simulation, you update if the move leading to the child was
> > played later (until the end of the playout).
> > Then, always when you calculate the UCT value, you combine that with the
> > RAVE value with that weighted average formula to give the final score.
> > Of course, you need to be careful with signs :-)
> That means you have one global 'RAVE' table?
> Or one at each node in the UCT tree?
> Christoph
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