Zach Wegner wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But I have to say something about the MAC commercials.      I find them
>> incredibly offensive (like so many other commercials that play on your
>> fears and treat us like we are incredible stupid and cannot see what
>> they are trying to do.)     They show a stodgy, somewhat older man who
>> represents Microsoft along with a "cool" younger, thinner and better
>> looking man who represents Macs.     The Microsoft man is a bit of a
>> dullard while the Mac guy is super-cool and progressive and clearly has
>> it together.
>> What is particularly ironic, is that the type of people who would
>> succumb to such an advertisement (by buying a Mac), is probably  best
>> portrayed by the dullard,  the guy in the commercial who obviously isn't
>> thinking for himself.    Makes me want to puke!
> I mostly agree with your statements, but I think the Mac commercials aren't
> too bad. The "older" guy (who happens to be John Hodgman, a very funny
> comedian) just represents boring business types, which I think refers to the
> overwhelming advantage that Microsoft has in that type of market (Excel,
> Powerpoint, etc.). It's just trying to say that the main purpose of a Mac,
> based on the applications that come with it, are playing music, looking at
> photos, editing video, and so on. And if you go to a "hip" coffeeshop, you
> will see how much power they have in this market. Every college kid sits
> there with their iBook editing their independent film and writing in their
> blog. Maybe it's just especially bad because I live in Austin, TX, but I get
> the impression that it's like that everywhere. I do agree, though, that most
> Mac users (just like most computer users in general...) are not thinking for
> themselves. Mac users buy both a computer and an image to present to others.
I think you are being too kind to them!      They are directly implying
that you are a boring conformist if you have a Windows PC and that you
should have a MAC instead!  

The fact that they entertained you and you liked the PC guy made you
much more accepting of it.    They always try to use guys you will
like.   Even the "bad guys" are supposed to be lovable -  just
incompetent but lovable oafs that you can look down on but without too
much guilt.     Even the bug-killer commercials give you cute lovable
bugs.    They do not want you to associate too much negative imagery
with their products.    The main negative emotion they DO want to convey
is a little fear and anxiety - over NOT using their product.  
Especially true with drugs.   They have commercials now that present new
diseases you probably never heard of,  but they imply you might have it
and that you should go to your doctor to see if you do.    How stupid do
they think we are?    But presumably we must be pretty stupid because
they pay millions on these advertisements. 

Here is another tactic used:    Take an actor or actress on a well known
television series who plays a doctor,  and use them to give medical
advice about which drugs they should be using.     You are used to
thinking of them as a real doctor and what they say seems to have great

I actually love to watch commercials and pick them apart.   Try it just
for fun.   What are they trying to get you to accept?   What blatant
associations are they connecting with their product?   Usually sex
appeal, happiness, popularity, etc.  

I started doing this the day I went to a restaurant with some friends
many years ago,  and felt just a little odd because I didn't order a
coke like everyone else did.    Even though I was aware of how
advertising works,   at that very moment I realized that I was also
gullible to the messages they were sending us.    This despite the fact
that I don't like coke! 

Anyway, this is WAY OFF the subject and waste of time - sorry.  

- Don

> But anyways, NetBSD is the best.
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